Monday, October 08, 2007

Can you copyright yoga?

Suketu Mehta writes in the New York Times
The United States government has issued 150 yoga-related copyrights, 134 patents on yoga accessories and 2,315 yoga trademarks. There’s big money in those pretzel twists and contortions — $3 billion a year in America alone.

It’s a mystery to most Indians that anybody can make that much money from the teaching of a knowledge that is not supposed to be bought or sold like sausages. Should an Indian, in retaliation, patent the Heimlich maneuver, so that he can collect every time a waiter saves a customer from choking on a fishbone?

The Indian government is not laughing. It has set up a task force that is cataloging traditional knowledge, including ayurvedic remedies and hundreds of yoga poses, to protect them from being pirated and copyrighted by foreign hucksters. The data will be translated from ancient Sanskrit and Tamil texts, stored digitally and available in five international languages, so that patent offices in other countries can see that yoga didn’t originate in a San Francisco commune.

This dovetails with recent stories we have linked to in this blog about "intellectual property" issues in the restaurant industry, the fashion industry, and among stage magicians.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Apparently you can copyright yoga. Or at least certain types of yoga.

According to:

a federal judge ruled in April 2005 that the copyright for Bikram yoga was legitimate and enforceable.

Seems un-yogilike to me though...